October 7, 2021
The Delhi Police Training Division held a one day Reality Based Training (RBT) practical class on Thursday, October 7, at the Charles D. Cook Fire Training Center in Hamden.
The purpose of this class is to place responding officers in realistic situations that they encounter on a regular basis while on duty.
Live role players act as victims, suspects and innocent bystanders. Only non-lethal training ammunition firearms are used and safety is the number one priority. All individuals involved wear heavy clothing and protective helmets/face masks.
Instructors stress oral communication skills and verbal de-escalation techniques to respond to all the scenarios, with physical force and/or deadly physical force as a last resort.
Agencies from all over NYS attended. Lead instructors were Sgt. Brian Davis, Off. Logan Wood, Off. Zach Finch and Off. Justin Mohr. Thanks is given to the American Medical Rescue (AMR) ambulance for taking part in this training.