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July 23, 2024

The Delhi Police Dept. Training Division hosted a visit by NYS Assemblyman Chris Tague at its James Small Firing Range in Delhi. Tague was shown the many improvements to the facility which has trained over 165 agencies and civilian organizations in recent years.

Tague, a strong supporter of the Constitution, notably the Second Amendment, addressed the many challenges facing New York gun owners in protecting their rights.

The audience of approximately 30 civilians and law enforcement officers coincided with the final phase of a two- day pistol permitting class for 11 students, offered by the division under the direction of Capt. James Small, its training coordinator.

Photo: Seen at the event, from left to right, Josh Morgan, Shirley Niebanck, Delaware County Republican Chairwoman, Katie Taggart, Capt. James Small and Assemblyman Chris Tague at the DPD James Small Firing Range on Tuesday, July 23.

Photo: Assemblyman Tague addresses the audience on firearm challenges facing New York gun owners and his position on strengthening the Second Amendment.