New York State 18 Hour Pistol Permit Class. Mon., February 17 & Tues., February 18, 2025, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm each day.



607-746-2258 ext. 106

January 2022

The Delhi Police Training Division recently concluded its first training class of 2022. Twelve officers successfully completed the NYS Division of Criminal Justice Services Field Training Officer course, in Delhi, N.Y.

This class ensures that new recruits receive standardized field training after completing the basic course for police officer.

Photo, left to right:
Capt. James Small, Instructor, Craig Maret OMH Police, Jason Parker OMH Police, Alex Ellers, OMH Police, Vince Cavalerri, Cooperstown Police, Rich Bell, Colchester Police, 
Tor Tryland, Windham Police, Kevin Doig, Walton Police, Rich Pagillo, Delhi Police, Tiffany Crosier, Woodstock Police, Sgt. Brian Davis, Instructor
Kneeling- Justin Mohr, Delhi Police, Matt Vogel, Sidney Police, Tom Parquez, Windham Police.Keith Evans, NYRA Police.