December 27th, 2021 2021 was a good year for the Delhi Police Training Division, despite COVID issues and the ammo shortage. Thanks to many of our club members and police officers, a lot of work was completed on the classroom. One of our goals for 2022 is to work with...
November 9th & 10th, 2021 The Delhi Police Training Division recently held its annual reduced light firearms training at the range, November 9th and 10th, 2021. Statistically, 67% of officer involved shootings occur in low light situations. Training officers in...
October 7, 2021 The Delhi Police Training Division held a one day Reality Based Training (RBT) practical class on Thursday, October 7, at the Charles D. Cook Fire Training Center in Hamden. The purpose of this class is to place responding officers in realistic...
August 13, 2021 Sgt. Chris Erwin, a deputy with the Delaware Co. Sheriff’s office, is seen going through a specialized course of fire during the recent NYS-DCJS Firearms Instructor Course held at the James Small Firing Range in Delhi. This course was a multi-faceted...
Sgt. Jesus Ayala, Sgt. Immanuel Mack, Off. Elizabeth Hughes, Off. Thomas Parquez, Off. Joseph Galante.Back row – Off. Tristan Rifanburg, Off. Matthew Wright, Off. Charles Davis, Off. Justin Parker, Off. Leidian Escotto, Sgt. Alex Eller, Capt. James Small. August 13,...